Thursday, April 11, 2019

Who do you need, Nobody

Inspired by
"Who do you need, nobody"

Your are strong
"they" say
invincible, possibly,
you can cut down trees,
split wood,
build open fires
against nighttime cold
You sit alone at supper
a self-cooked meal
with a single glass of
home-brewed wine
You count your memories
pearls on a string
smooth and white,
 each one
a solitary thing
You take to your bed
awaiting your dreams
Who do you need?


Inspired by today's prompt on
imaginary garden with real toads


  1. I resonate with this solitary life. I remember always being told how strong I was, when I was younger. And how I wished I didnt have to be so strong.

  2. Yes, well. As a single woman of some years standing, I understand this and often tell myself this, but once in a while it does get lowdown lonely. Well portrayed.

  3. I like how you use images and ideas of strength and independence in the first stanza, and then how that rubs up against the solitary image of a meal alone and then a deep sleep. That was very effective for me. Well done and viva la.

  4. ...very touching. Single does not mean unhappy - it's how we "feed" ourselves. Even married people get lonely...

  5. I’m not sure whether I prefer self-contained contentment or the company of one – I definitely don’t like crowds of people. I loved spending some time with my daughter and grandson recently but I’m glad to be back with familiar things around me and the company of cats. I love the imagery of the pearls.

  6. Definitely!!💞 Love the strength in this 😊
