Thursday, April 20, 2023

Dusky Friday Nights


American Village (1912) Edward Hopper

This scene evokes a memory
Dusky Friday nights in town
Standing on the over pass
looking down on Main Street
waiting for my friends to show
My house is the yellow one
aside the hill on the left,
one friend lives in the
white one across the street
Other girls come from out
of town, I can see them
when they get off the bus,
some of the boys too
We girls meet there to walk about
Twice round the square on our own
The boys too, following,

All under cover of the awnings 

when on the other side
On the third round we switch around
and meet up, it’s flirting time
I’m too shy to initiate but I’m singled out
He grabs me by the hand and pulls me close,
but not too close, I blush, we laugh,
we walk together for a round, and then enter
the cafe under the town clock
Others are there too, some paired, some not
We share a booth, a couple on each side
Our hips are joined for lack of space
our shoulders too
Goosebumps combine
Later on he walks me home, hand in hand
we dare, and at the pathway to my door,
a gentle lip kiss and a hug, I can barely stand
We say goodbye, he’ll catch the bus
and think of us, and more,
And I, I will remember for years and years
The innocence and wonder of our
dusky Friday nights
in town


Day 20 - NAPOWRIMO 2023

Inspired by:

Ekphrastic Poetry

American Village - Edward Hopper

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