Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Soft Kill


According to Lori Lieberman (singer / song writer)

behind this song was a story of a young female musician struggling to find the space where both her voice as well as her ideas would be respected and not expropriated whenever it best suited the purposes of the others.” 

Soft Kill

You steal me bit by bit
Killing me softly like
Lieberman said
She said it best
this thing that you do
Murder is murder 
Soft or not
I’m still dying 
because of you
All those love words 
You laid on me
All those touches
 My body yielded to
When all the time
it’s you, exploiting me
I need you, I need you,
I want you real
I give it away 
So you’ll feed me
Feed me still.


Day 25  - NaPoWriMo 2023

Inspired by:

Musical Inspirations

Today: Killing Me Softly - Charles Fox, Norman Gimbel, Lori Lieberman

1 comment:

  1. Goodness this is exquisite! I am sharing this one 😍😍😍😍
