Friday, April 28, 2023

Let Go


Let go

I, too, am tired of being here
You’re holding way past time for letting go
You don’t look forward but only behind
Lost tears, lost fears, all gone,
No hand to hold
Wake up you ARE alone
I want to fly, have my release
from all past pain and sacrifice 
I’ve earned my peace
and so have you
Let go the pain, let go your fears
let go regret, life is yours to take
You must understand it’s 
you who’s holding on
You are the only one in my way
Your way
Give up, give in, sweep everything
clean, start anew,
I want to fly, I want to soar,
I want to hear the music, see
the light, if such exist
I may never know
 while tethered here 
I’ll over rule your life
and you are stealing my awakening
Now you are enlightened,
Now you know
So let me go


Day 28 - NaPoWriMo 2023

Inspired by:

Musical Inspirations

Today: My Immortal - written by Ben Moody

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